Free paper sessions are those sessions where delegates present their research papers, including research completed as part of postgraduate programs.
These sessions will make the conference more inclusive by allowing applications from rural health professionals from various backgrounds doing different kinds of research and needing an international forum to present their paper.

Free Paper Sessions
Abstract Id | Abstract Title | Country | Organization/Institution | Presenting Author |
Ubuntu002 | Identifying factors that really matter: Improving the recruitment and retention of pharmacists to support rural communities | Australia | University of Southern Queensland | Daniel Terry |
Ubuntu013 | Establishing a Novel Diagnostic Framework Using Handheld Point-of-Care Focused-Echocardiography (HoPE) for Acute Left-Sided Cardiac Valve Emergencies: A Bayesian Approach for Emergency Physicians in Resource-Limited Settings | South Africa | University of KwaZulu-Natal | Kamlin Ekambaram |
Ubuntu022 | Responsibility Gap(s) Due to the Introduction of AI in Healthcare: An Ubuntu-Inspired Approach | Belgium | Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Ghent University | Brandon Ferlito |
Ubuntu028 | Clinical Education in physiotherapy: The experiences of final year students at the University of Cape Town | South Africa | University of Cape Town | Nastassia Martin |
Ubuntu032 | Developing indicators for monitoring and evaluating the primary healthcare approach in health sciences education at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, using a Delphi technique | South Africa | University of Cape Town | Mohammed Ishaaq Datay |
Ubuntu048 | Improving the number of Women in leadership positions to enhance health service delivery at Dilchora General Hospital in Eastern Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Jhpiego Ethiopia, Health Workforce Improvement Program (HWIP) | Fikadu Asrat |
Ubuntu050 | After action review of the COVID-19 pandemic response and lessons that can be used for TB management in North West province, South Africa | south africa | sefako makgatho health sciences university | Indiran Govender |
Ubuntu055 | Awareness and attitude about mental illness in the rural population of India: A mixed method study | India | Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences | Kaustubh Kulkarni |
Ubuntu056 | Effects of Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (AMSP) in a Tertiary Care Rural Hospital. | India | Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences | Vidhvat Vijay |
Ubuntu060 | In situ simulation as a tool to educate rural health teams in emergency medicine | Norway | Norwegian Centre for Rural Medicine | Magnus Hjortdahl |
Ubuntu062 | Medical students’ views on what professionalism means: an Ubuntu perspective | South Africa | University of Witwatersrand | Mantoa Mokhachane |
Ubuntu079 | WHO’s SkinNTDs App: Assessment of a Capacity building tool including Artificial Intelligence for Frontline Health Workers in African context | Catalonia | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | Carme Carrion |
Ubuntu107 | Supporting Community Health Workers as Vaccine Educators: Assessing the Impact of a Digital Training and Patient-facing Chatbot Intervention on Vaccination Rates in Kenya | United States | University of California, San Francisco | Nadia Hemmat |
Ubuntu117 | Stakeholder wellbeing during workplace-based learning in Health Professions Education Programmes: A scoping review | South Africa | Cape Peninsula University of Technology | Lizel Hudson |
Ubuntu118 | Enhancing Rural Healthcare through the Rural Resident Medical Officer Cadetship: A Longitudinal Study | Australia | NSW Rural Doctors Network | Richard Colbran |
Ubuntu153 | Embedding SDG through our research. A case study from a local university in South Africa | South Africa | University of the Western Cape | Qanita Bassier |
Ubuntu156 | Enhancing Rural Emergency Care: SurgeCon’s Impact | Canada | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Christopher Patey |
Ubuntu157 | Nan’s Kitchen Party | Canada | Memorial University of Newfoundland | Christopher Patey |
Ubuntu172 | Curriculum change to prepare graduates for public health optometry: The danger of a single story. | South Africa | Cape Peninsula University of Technology/University of Cape Town | Prasidh Ramson |
Ubuntu179 | Rural WONCA Albuquerque Statement on the leadership role of the nurse: Update and way forward | United Kingdom | University of South Wales | Joyce Kenkre |
Ubuntu211 | Reconceptualising resilience: Ubuntu, home and community care | South Africa | Stellenbosch University | Gubela Mji |
Ubuntu215 | Investigating the impact and problematic aspects of European volunteer initiatives in promoting community wellness on African Continent | Italy | University of the Western Cape | Maria Antonia Delli Gatti |
Ubuntu227 | Identifying Alcohol Consumption Pattern in Aboriginal Population: A Qualitative Study on Alcohol Use in Taiwan | Taiwan | Puli Christian hospital | Ping-Jui Yu |
Ubuntu232 | Applying a Social Determinants of Health Lens Health Systems Strengthening to Improve Outcomes | Belgium | Training for Health Equity Network: THEnet | Björg Pálsdóttir |
Ubuntu236 | Cultivating a Socially Accountable Workforce: Examining Medical School Learning Environment through Alumni Experiences | Canada | University of Saskatchewan | Harini Aiyer |
Ubuntu241 | “Rural Resilience: Navigating Healthcare Challenges in Tolima’s Countryside” | Colombia | Univesidad de La Sabana – Universidad del Tolima | Francisco Lamus |
Ubuntu244 | Exploring spaces to support health professions educators – an innovative, collaborative interprofessional initiative | South Africa | Ukwanda Centre for Rural Health, Department of Global Health, Stellenbosch University | Jacqui Couper |
Ubuntu246 | Queensland’s 2005 ‘Roma agreement’: still relevant after two decades? | Australia | Queensland Health | Tarun Sen Gupta |
Ubuntu267 | Private Partnership to Improve Community Participation and Relevance of Medical Students: University of Ilorin COBES and Ajumobi Foundation Collaboration Experience | NIGERIA | COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN, ILORIN, NIGERIA | Abiodun Adeniran |
Ubuntu279 | Shaping the future rural healthcare landscape: perspectives of young healthcare professionals | South Africa | Stellenbosch University | Innocentia Lediga |
Ubuntu282 | COVID-19 Preparedness and Response in Rural and Remote Areas: Lessons from a Scoping Review. | South Africa | Stellenbosch University | Selvan Naidoo |
Ubuntu285 | Introducing the Mmogo-method for enhancing active participation in Community-Based Research projects | South Africa | UWC Faculty Community Health Science | Ansie Kitching |
Ubuntu290 | Ethical Challenges in Healthcare Recruitment and Migration: The Imperative for Global Standards and Stronger Accountability | United States of America | CGFNS International | Mukul Bakhshi |
Ubuntu292 | Attracting and Retaining Doctors in Rural Areas: Developing A Prediction Model for Long-Term Rural Practice (LTRP) | Australia | The University of Queensland | Srinivas Kondalsamy Chennakesavan |
Ubuntu300 | Creating vaccine uptake in Yemen: Studying the determinants of refusal, hesitancy and influencers on vaccine uptake | Yemen | Hadhramout University | Abdulla Bin-Ghouth |
Ubuntu305 | A typology of transformative Community Engaged Teaching and Learning at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa: A multi-methods study | Lesotho | University of Western Cape | Fungai Muzeya |
Ubuntu313 | Global Women and Children’s Health and Rights: Teaching and Learning with Female Students in Afghanistan | United States | Afghan Female Student Outreach/Women and Health Together for the Future/University of Connecticut School of Medicine | Judy Lewis |
Ubuntu315 | Educational methodologies for the prevention and control of Dengue in school | Colombia | Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas | Santiago Garzón |
Ubuntu317 | Emergency medical transport in British Columbia: Narrative stories from providers, decision-makers and patients in rural, remote and Indigenous communities | Canada | Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) | Alison James |
Ubuntu318 | Type 2 Diabetes Remission in Rural Communities: An application of community engagement | Canada | Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) | Alison James |
Ubuntu319 | Exploring intergenerational trauma experienced by mothers who use substances in low-income communities in the Western Cape. | South Africa | University of the Western Cape | Kitso Setswe |
Ubuntu320 | Research gaps and priorities for African primary health care – building local knowledge and evidence for health policy and education | South Africa | University of Cape Town | Klaus Von Pressentin |
Ubuntu325 | A Framework for the Expansion of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Support Services in the Western Cape: Towards Societal Well-Being | South Africa | Western Cape Goverment Health And Wellness | Nousheena Firfirey |
Ubuntu328 | Taking it forward: The perceived influence of undergraduates’ practical interprofessional education on their interprofessional collaborative practice during their first year of work. | South Africa | Stellenbosch University | Jana Muller |
Ubuntu330 | Exploring rural health training needs for postgraduate studies | South Africa | Ukwanda Centre for Rural Health, Stellenbosch University | Amanda Msindwana |
Ubuntu339 | Attrition after compulsory community service: possible reasons affecting clinicians’ decision to remain or leave the South African public service. | South Africa | Rural Rehabilitation South Africa (RuReSA) | Kate Sherry |
Ubuntu343 | Using the health labour market analysis (HLMA) to improve health workforce policies to achieve equitable health care in Tajikistan | Denmark | WHO Europe | Sulakshana Nandi |
Ubuntu344 | Building resilient health systems in conflict affected regions with a focus on human resources for health: Case of Bastar in central India | Denmark | WHO Europe | Sulakshana Nandi |
Ubuntu352 | Effectiveness of four-arm intervention in preventing maternal and perinatal mortality in Kimpese Health Zone, Democratic Republic of the Congo | DR Congo | Department of Family Medicine, Protestant University of Congo | Patrick Ntontolo |
Ubuntu359 | Community-Based Health Literacy Programs during COBES Posting for Medical Undergraduates at University of Ilorin: Activities and Impact on Training | Nigeria | College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria | Abiodun Adeniran |