The Wonca Working Party on Rural Practice


Rural WONCA (The Working Party on Rural Practice) is an active network of rural family doctors and rural academics from each of the world’s regions: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australasia/Pacific.
Members of the working party are engaged and active in contributing to the vision of “Health for All Rural People” globally through:

•   Repositioning and relationships
•   Education and Research
•   Activism and Advocacy
•   Conferencing and Communication


We work through creating links between rural health family doctors and nurses around the world both individually and through organisations. We are the international voice for rural medicine and health. We engage in political activism on issues impacting rural health, including determinants of rural health.

We advocate for rural health services within the World Organisation of Family Doctors and Academic Associations (WONCA) and at the World Health Organisation, UN, and other relevant international bodies.

We promote and provide resources to support rural medical education, rural medical schools, and rural clinical schools such as through our Rural Medical Education Guidebook Second Edition 2021 and our policy documents. We support our young doctors and other health professionals through our partnership and support of emerging rural health leaders through Rural Seeds.

Find out more about RuralWonca
Follow us on Twitter @RuralWonca and join us on Facebook

Rural doctors and academics who share our vision and prepared to do something about it are welcome to join us here